
Ephesians 1–3: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary on Chapters 1–3 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Encompassing the body of Pauline theology, Ephesians has been called “the crown of St. Paul’s writings,” yet both its authorship and addressees are the subject of continuing dispute. Through line-by-line examination of its vocabulary, its difficult style, its Qumran and Gnostic affinities, its parallels with and distinctions from the undisputed Pauline corpus, its use of the Old Testament, and...

The praise of God who elects men by grace (Eph 1:4–5; cf. Rom 11:5),185 is something other than the proclamation of a principle or axiom of absolute determinism. There are six distinctive reasons why Ephesians cannot be considered the charter for the eternal predestination of one part of mankind for bliss, the other for hell, and a seventh reason which by itself is decisive. a) The tone of the statements made on God’s decision is adoring rather than calculating
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